
Beyoncé and Jay-Z

Relationship facts

They have been married since April 4, 2008. They have been together for 22 years and 5 months.

Beyoncé and Jay-Z

When did Beyoncé and Jay-Z get together?

They started dating in November 2001. That was 22 years ago.


According to Jay-Z, the pair started "trying to date" after they met during a Vanity Fair photoshoot in November 2001. For the next few months, they reportedly wined and dined in secret. Rumors about their relationship started to circulate in the media following their collaboration on the song "'03 Bonnie & Clyde", which was released in October 2002. Although they claimed that they were just friends, speculation mounted when they attended several basketball games together at the start of 2003.

How old were they when they started dating?

Beyoncé was 20 years old and Jay-Z was 31.

When did they get married?

Beyoncé and Jay-Z got married in New York on April 4, 2008, which was 16 years ago.

How long were they together before they got married?

They dated for 6 years and 4 months before they got married.

How old were they when they got married?

Beyoncé was 26 years old and Jay-Z was 38.

Age gap

Jay-Z is 11 years older than Beyoncé.

That is a noticeable age gap. It is roughly 9 years higher than the average age gap in most relationships. For example, the average age gap in the United States is two years and four months.

Height difference

Jay-Z is roughly 7 inches taller than Beyoncé. He is 6 feet 2 inches (1.88m) tall, whereas she is 5 feet 7 inches (1.7m).

Note that your perception of someone's height can be skewed by their hairstyle, footwear (heels), clothing, body fat, posture, etc.

How long have they been together?

They have been together for 22 years and 5 months in total.

Star signs

Beyoncé is a Virgo and Jay-Z is a Sagittarius.


Check out their individual profiles for more facts:



Born on September 4, 1981

She is now 42.



Born on December 4, 1969

He is now 54.