
David Beckham and Victoria Beckham

Relationship facts

They have been married since July 4, 1999. They have been together for 27 years.

David Beckham and Victoria Beckham

When did David Beckham and Victoria Beckham get together?

They started dating in April 1997. That was 27 years ago.


The pair met on March 15, 1997, following a soccer match between Manchester United and Chelsea. Victoria was introduced to David by her manager, Simon Fuller. They started dating on April 19, 1997, when they met again at a game between Liverpool and Manchester United. At that point, they exchanged numbers, and David asked her if she would like to go on a date.

How old were they when they started dating?

David was 21 years old and Victoria was 23.

When did they get married?

David and Victoria got married in Ireland on July 4, 1999, which was 24 years ago.

How long were they together before they got married?

They dated for 2 years and 2 months before they got married.

How old were they when they got married?

David was 24 years old and Victoria was 25.

Age gap

Victoria Beckham is 1 year older than David Beckham.

Height difference

David is roughly 7 inches taller than Victoria. He is 5 feet 11 inches (1.8m) tall, whereas she is 5 feet 4 inches (1.63m).

Note that your perception of someone's height can be skewed by their hairstyle, footwear (heels), clothing, body fat, posture, etc.

How long have they been together?

They have been together for 27 years in total.

Star signs

David is a Taurus and Victoria is an Aries.

When did they get engaged?

They got engaged on January 25, 1998, which was 26 years ago.

How long were Victoria Beckham and David Beckham dating before they became engaged?

They dated for 9 months before they became engaged.

How long were they engaged before they got married?

They were engaged for 1 year and 5 months before they got married.


Check out their individual profiles for more facts:

David Beckham

David Beckham

Soccer player
Born on May 2, 1975

He is now 49.

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham

Spice Girls
Born on April 17, 1974

She is now 50.