
Katy Perry and Russell Brand

Relationship facts

Brand and Perry were married between October 23, 2010, and December 30, 2011. Their divorce was finalized on July 16, 2012. They were together for 2 years and 3 months in total.

Katy Perry and Russell Brand

When did Katy Perry and Russell Brand get together?

They started dating in September 2009. That was 14 years ago.


The pair met during the filming of the movie "Get Him to the Greek" (2010). However, they didn't start dating until they met again at the MTV Video Music Awards on September 13, 2009.

How old were they when they started dating?

Perry was 24 years old and Brand was 34.

When did they get married?

Perry and Brand got married in Rajasthan, India, on October 23, 2010, which was 13 years ago.

How long were they together before they got married?

They dated for 1 year and 1 month before they got married.

As you can see, they got married pretty quickly. Most couples will date for at least 2–5 years before getting engaged. However, in this case, they decided to speed things up a little.

How long were Katy Perry and Russell Brand married?

They were married for exactly 1 year and 8 months.

How old were they when they got married?

Perry was 25 years old and Brand was 35.

How long have Perry and Brand been divorced?

They have been divorced for 11 years. Their divorce became finalized on July 16, 2012.

Why did they get divorced?

Brand and Perry gave different accounts of why their marriage ended. She blamed their conflicting schedules, while he claimed that he divorced her because they were both going in different directions. He also said that she was hesitant to engage in activism. During one interview, Perry stated that Brand wanted children and that she wasn't ready yet.

Divorce ages

At the time of their divorce, Brand was 37 years old and Perry was 27.

Age gap

Russell Brand is 9 years older than Katy Perry.

That is 7 years higher than the average age gap in most American relationships (2.3 years).

Height difference

Brand is roughly 6 inches taller than Perry. He is 6 feet 1 inches (1.85m) tall, whereas she is 5 feet 7 inches (1.7m).

Note that your perception of someone's height can be skewed by their hairstyle, footwear (heels), clothing, body fat, posture, etc.

How long were they together?

Their relationship lasted 2 years and 3 months in total.

Star signs

Perry is a Scorpio and Brand is a Gemini.

When did they get engaged?

They got engaged on December 31, 2009, which was 14 years ago.

How long were Russell Brand and Katy Perry dating before they became engaged?

They dated for 3 months before they became engaged.

How long were they engaged before they got married?

They were engaged for 9 months before they got married.


Check out their individual profiles for more facts:

Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Pop singer
Born on October 25, 1984

She is now 39.

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

Born on June 4, 1975

He is now 48.