
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon

Relationship facts

Cannon and Carey were married between April 30, 2008, and August 21, 2014. Their divorce was finalized on November 1, 2016. They were together for 6 years and 5 months in total.

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon

When did Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon get together?

They started dating in March 2008. That was 16 years ago.


The pair met for the first time at the Teen Choice Awards in August 2005. They met again in 2008, when Cannon co-directed her music video for the song "Bye Bye". During the production of the video, they quickly hit it off and began a "whirlwind romance".

How old were they when they started dating?

Carey was 37 years old and Cannon was 27.

When did they get married?

Carey and Cannon got married on April 30, 2008, which was 16 years ago.

How long were they together before they got married?

They dated for 1 month before they got married.

As you can see, they didn't wait very long. Most couples wait at least 2–5 years before getting engaged. However, in this case, Cannon and Carey tied the knot extremely quickly.

How long were Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon married?

They were married for exactly 8 years and 6 months.

How old were they when they got married?

Carey was 38 years old and Cannon was 27.

How long have Carey and Cannon been divorced?

They have been divorced for 7 years. Their divorce became finalized on November 1, 2016.

Why did they get divorced?

The couple blamed the pressures of being working parents in the entertainment industry. In the end, they just grew apart.

Divorce ages

At the time of their divorce, Cannon was 36 years old and Carey was 46.

Age gap

Mariah Carey is 10 years older than Nick Cannon.

That is a noticeable age gap. It is roughly 8 years higher than the average age gap in most relationships. For example, the average age gap in the United States is two years and four months.

Height difference

Cannon is roughly 4 inches taller than Carey. He is 6 foot (1.83m) tall, whereas she is 5 feet 8 inches (1.73m).

Note that your perception of someone's height can be skewed by their hairstyle, footwear (heels), clothing, body fat, posture, etc.

How long were they together?

Their relationship lasted 6 years and 5 months in total.

Star signs

Carey is an Aries and Cannon is a Libra.

When did they get engaged?

They got engaged on April 22, 2008, which was 16 years ago.

How long were Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey dating before they became engaged?

They dated for 1 month before they became engaged.

How long were they engaged before they got married?

They were engaged for 8 days before they got married.


Check out their individual profiles for more facts:

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey

Born on March 27, 1970

She is now 54.

Nick Cannon

Nick Cannon

Born on October 8, 1980

He is now 43.