
How long until 1:00 am?

This calculator will tell you how many hours and minutes will pass between now and 1:00 am (01:00).

Scroll down to view the results for each timezone.

US Eastern Time (EST)

New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida, etc.

There are 10 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am EST (tomorrow).

It is currently 2:14 pm in the afternoon there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 13 hours and 14 minutes ago.

2:14pm May 9 - 1:00am May 10

US Central Time (CST)

Texas, Alabama, Oklahoma, Illinois, Iowa, etc.

There are 11 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am CST (tomorrow).

It is currently 1:14 pm in the afternoon there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 12 hours and 14 minutes ago.

1:14pm May 9 - 1:00am May 10

US Mountain Time (MST)

Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Montana, etc.

There are 12 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am MST (tomorrow).

It is currently 12:14 pm in the afternoon there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 11 hours and 14 minutes ago.

12:14pm May 9 - 1:00am May 10

US Pacific Time (PST)

California, Washington, Nevada, Oregon.

There are 13 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am PST (tomorrow).

It is currently 11:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 10 hours and 14 minutes ago.

11:14am May 9 - 1:00am May 10


Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, etc.

There are 5 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 7:14 pm in the evening there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 18 hours and 14 minutes ago.

7:14pm 9 May - 1:00am 10 May

United Kingdom

England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.

There are 5 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 7:14 pm in the evening there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 18 hours and 14 minutes ago.

7:14pm 9 May - 1:00am 10 May

Central European Time

Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, etc.

There are 4 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am CET (tomorrow).

It is currently 8:14 pm in the evening there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 19 hours and 14 minutes ago.

8:14pm 9 May - 1:00am 10 May


Eastern Europe.

There are 4 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 8:14 pm in the evening there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 19 hours and 14 minutes ago.

8:14pm 9 May - 1:00am 10 May



There are 3 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 9:14 pm at night there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 20 hours and 14 minutes ago.

9:14pm 9 May - 1:00am 10 May


Iran Standard Time.

There are 3 hours and 15 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 9:44 pm at night there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 20 hours and 44 minutes ago.

9:44pm 9 May - 1:00am 10 May


India Standard Time.

There is 1 hour and 15 minutes left until 1:00 am IST.

It is currently 11:44 pm at night there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 22 hours and 44 minutes ago.

11:44pm 9 May - 1:00am 10 May

Indochina Time (ICT)

Thailand, Vietnam, etc.

There are 23 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am ICT (tomorrow).

It is currently 1:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 14 minutes and 45 seconds ago.

1:14am 10 May - 1:00am 11 May


China Standard Time.

There are 22 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am CST (tomorrow).

It is currently 2:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 1 hour and 14 minutes ago.

2:14am 10 May - 1:00am 11 May

South Korea

Korea Standard Time.

There are 21 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am KST (tomorrow).

It is currently 3:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 2 hours and 14 minutes ago.

3:14am 10 May - 1:00am 11 May


Japan Standard Time.

There are 21 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am JST (tomorrow).

It is currently 3:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 2 hours and 14 minutes ago.

3:14am 10 May - 1:00am 11 May

Perth, Australia

Western Australia.

There are 22 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 2:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 1 hour and 14 minutes ago.

2:14am 10 May - 1:00am 11 May

Melbourne, Australia

Southeastern Australia.

There are 20 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 4:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 3 hours and 14 minutes ago.

4:14am 10 May - 1:00am 11 May

Sydney, Australia

Eastern Australia.

There are 20 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 4:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 3 hours and 14 minutes ago.

4:14am 10 May - 1:00am 11 May

New Zealand

Auckland, Wellington, etc.

There are 18 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 6:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 5 hours and 14 minutes ago.

6:14am 10 May - 1:00am 11 May



There are 14 hours and 45 minutes left until 1:00 am (tomorrow).

It is currently 10:14 am in the morning there, which means that 1:00 am already passed by 9 hours and 14 minutes ago.

10:14am 9 May - 1:00am 10 May

Other times

A list of other times that are close to 1 am: