
How old is the Matilda (1996) cast now?

It has been 27 years since the fantasy comedy film Matilda (1996) was released in movie theaters.

Since then, all of the characters have aged pretty significantly.

The cast list below updates automatically based on the current date. It is currently displaying their ages as of 2024.

Mara Wilson

Mara Wilson

Born on July 24, 1987

Child actress Mara Wilson was 8 when she played the role of Matilda. She is now 36 years old. In 2000, she retired from acting.

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Danny DeVito

Danny DeVito

Born on November 17, 1944

DeVito portrayed Matilda's father, Harry Wormwood. He was 51 when the film was released. These days, he is 79.

Rhea Perlman

Rhea Perlman

Born on March 31, 1948

Harry's wife, Zinnia, was played by Rhea Perlman (who was actually married to DeVito in real life). When the movie was released, she was 48. She is now 76.

Pam Ferris

Pam Ferris

Born on May 11, 1948

The actress who played Crunchem Hall's cruel principal, Miss Trunchbull, is now 75. She was 48 years old when the film hit the big screen.

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Embeth Davidtz

Embeth Davidtz

Born on August 11, 1965

Davidtz, who played the kind and caring school teacher, Miss Jennifer Honey, was 30 years old in 1996. She is now 58.

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Brian Levinson

Brian Levinson

Born on October 27, 1982

Matilda's brutish brother, Michael, was 13 when the movie was released. He is now 41.

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Kiami Davael

Kiami Davael

Born on August 21, 1986

Matilda's friend, Lavender, was portrayed by Kiami Davael. Davael was 9 in 1996. She is currently 37.

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Jimmy Karz

Jimmy Karz

Born on July 26, 1984

The actor who played the gluttonous Bruce Bogtrotter is now 39. He was 11 years old when the film was released.

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