
How old are 98 Degrees now?

26 years have passed since the American boy band 98 Degrees (98°) released their debut single, Invisible Man.

The group essentially broke up in 2003. Although they claimed that it was just a hiatus, they didn't reunite until nine years later. By that stage, they were all much older, and boy bands had become a thing of the past.

The list below updates automatically based on the current date. It is currently displaying their ages as of 2024.

Click on the "View Older Photo" link below each member to see a "then and now" image.

Nick Lachey

Nick Lachey

Born on November 9, 1973

Lachey was 23 when 98 Degrees became famous. He is now 50 years old.

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Jeff Timmons

Jeff Timmons

Born on April 30, 1973

Timmons is currently 51 years old. He was 24 when the group released its debut single, Invisible Man, in June 1997.

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Justin Jeffre

Justin Jeffre

Born on February 25, 1973

Jeffre was 27 years old when the group released the song "Give Me Just One Night" in July 2000. He is now 51 years old.

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Drew Lachey

Drew Lachey

Born on August 8, 1976

Nick's brother, Drew, is the youngest member of the band by a considerable margin. When they became famous, he was just 20. These days, he is 47.

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