
How old are Pete & Pete now?

It has been 28 years since the final episode of "The Adventures of Pete & Pete" aired on Nickelodeon.

The last episode, which was titled "Last Laugh", aired on April 1, 1996.

The cast list below updates automatically based on the current date. It is currently displaying their ages as of 2024.

Michael C. Maronna

Michael C. Maronna

Born on September 27, 1977

Maronna, who played the oldest brother, Pete, is currently 46 years old. He was 18 in the last episode.

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Danny Tamberelli

Danny Tamberelli

Born on February 8, 1982

Tamberelli portrayed the younger sibling, who was also named Pete (hence the name of the series). Tamberelli was 9 in the first episode and 14 in the finale. These days, he is 42.

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