
Farrah Fawcett


Born on February 2, 1947.
Died at the age of 62 on June 25, 2009.
Cause of Death: Cancer.

Farrah Fawcett
She has been dead for 15 years.
If she were still alive today, she would be 77 years old.

People who died in 2009.
Famous people who died from cancer.

Which generation did Farrah Fawcett belong to?

Farrah Fawcett was a part of the Baby Boomer demographic cohort.

What was she known for?

She was an American actress and model who became famous for her portrayal of Jill Munroe in the first season of the series "Charlie's Angels". She also appeared on TV shows such as "Harry O" and "The Six Million Dollar Man".

Which star sign was Farrah Fawcett?

She had the star sign Aquarius.

Life Path Number

Her Life Path Number was 7.

How tall was she?

Farrah Fawcett was around 5 ft 6 inches tall. In centimeters, her height was 168 cm.

Statistically speaking, this means that she was slightly taller than the average American female. However, she was not tall by conventional standards.

See also: Celebrities who are 5 ft 6 inches.

How old would Farrah Fawcett be now?

If she were still alive today, she would be 77 years old.

How many years ago did she die?

She died 15 years, 5 months, and 8 days ago.

What day of the week was she born on?

She was born on a Sunday.

What day of the week did she die on?

She died on a Thursday.

How long ago did Farrah Fawcett die?

She died in June 2009, which was over 15 years ago. More than a decade has passed since her death.

To put that into perspective.

  • A baby that was born on the same day that Farrah Fawcett died would be in high school by now.
  • Since Farrah Fawcett's death in 2009, roughly three FIFA World Cups and four US presidential elections have taken place.
  • Farrah Fawcett died while the world was still in the midst of the 2008 global financial crisis.
  • Since her death, the United States has had two new presidents.
  • The United Kingdom has had six new prime ministers.
  • Because she died in 2009, it means that she probably never heard of famous names such as Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Drake, and One Direction.
  • She did not live long enough to see the film Avatar.

Other people who were born around February 2, 1947

Celebrities and other notable figures who were born around the same time as Farrah Fawcett.

David Bowie

David Bowie

Singer Deceased
Born on January 8, 1947
Star Sign: Capricorn

Greg Antonacci

Greg Antonacci

Actor Deceased
Born on February 2, 1947
Star Sign: Aquarius

Other people who died around June 25, 2009

Celebrities and other notable figures who died around the same time as Farrah Fawcett.



Wrestler Deceased
Died on Mar 13, 2009, at the age of 33.
Star Sign: Pisces

Natasha Richardson

Natasha Richardson

English actress Deceased
Died on Mar 18, 2009, at the age of 45.
Star Sign: Taurus

Jade Goody

Jade Goody

English TV personality Deceased
Died on Mar 22, 2009, at the age of 27.
Star Sign: Gemini

Bea Arthur

Bea Arthur

Actress Deceased
Died on Apr 25, 2009, at the age of 86.
Star Sign: Taurus

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

Singer Deceased
Died on Jun 25, 2009, at the age of 50.
Star Sign: Virgo

Billy Mays

Billy Mays

Television personality Deceased
Died on Jun 28, 2009, at the age of 50.
Star Sign: Cancer

Steve McNair

Steve McNair

American football player Deceased
Died on Jul 4, 2009, at the age of 36.
Star Sign: Aquarius



American disk jockey Deceased
Died on Aug 28, 2009, at the age of 36.
Star Sign: Aries

Patrick Swayze

Patrick Swayze

Actor Deceased
Died on Sep 14, 2009, at the age of 57.
Star Sign: Leo

Stephen Gately

Stephen Gately

Irish singer Deceased
Died on Oct 10, 2009, at the age of 33.
Star Sign: Pisces

People who are the same height as Farrah Fawcett

Celebrities and other notable figures who are exactly the same height as her.

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep

Born on June 22, 1949
Height: 1.68m / 5 ft 6 inches

Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch

Born on January 30, 1987
Height: 1.68m / 5 ft 6 inches

People who are taller than her

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than her.

Cillian Murphy

Cillian Murphy

Born on May 25, 1976
Height: 1.72m / 5 ft 8 inches

Melanie Iglesias

Melanie Iglesias

Born on June 18, 1987
Height: 1.69m / 5 ft 7 inches



Born on August 17, 1992
Height: 1.73m / 5 ft 8 inches

People who are shorter than her

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than her.

Frances McDormand

Frances McDormand

Born on June 23, 1957
Height: 1.65m / 5 ft 5 inches

Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman

Born on August 8, 1937
Height: 1.67m / 5 ft 6 inches

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin

Born on February 11, 1964
Height: 1.65m / 5 ft 5 inches

Personality summary

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