
Famous people who died in 1983

A list of 2 celebrities and other famous people who passed away in the year 1983.

Roughly 41 years have passed since these people died.

This list is ordered by the person's date of death.

Karen Carpenter

Karen Carpenter

Singer Deceased
Died on Feb 4, 1983, at the age of 32.



Musician Deceased
Died on Aug 3, 1983, at the age of 36.


A few facts that highlight just how long ago 1983 was:

  • These celebrities died before TV shows such as "Night Court", "Kate & Allie", "Sherlock Holmes", and "Punky Brewster" started airing on television.
  • These people did not get to see movies such as "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock", "Ghostbusters", "Purple Rain", "Red Dawn (1984)", or "Tightrope".
  • The Nintendo Entertainment System did not exist yet.
  • Celebrities such as Lee Thompson Young, Stephanie Moseley, Olivia Wilde, and Olly Murs were not even born yet.
  • In 1983, celebrities such as Andy Kaufman, David Huffman, Rock Hudson, and Ian Stewart were still alive.
  • Television shows such as "Hart to Hart", "Three's Company", "Happy Days", and "The Dukes of Hazzard" were still running.

Celebrity deaths in 1983

Statistics about the 2 celebrity deaths above.

  • 50% were male. 50% were female.
  • AIDS or HIV killed 50% of the people on this list.