
Famous people who died in 1984

A list of 4 celebrities and other famous people who passed away in the year 1984.

Roughly 40 years have passed since these people died.

This list is ordered by the person's date of death.

Marvin Gaye

Marvin Gaye

RnB Singer Deceased
Died on Apr 1, 1984, at the age of 44.
Shot dead by his father.

Andy Kaufman

Andy Kaufman

Comedian Deceased
Died on May 16, 1984, at the age of 35.
Large-cell carcinoma of the lung.

Ed Gein

Ed Gein

Murderer Deceased
Died on Jul 26, 1984, at the age of 77.
Lung cancer.

Truman Capote

Truman Capote

Author Deceased
Died on Aug 25, 1984, at the age of 59.
Liver disease.


A few facts that highlight just how long ago 1984 was:

  • These people passed away before the Internet became a thing.
  • These celebrities died before TV shows such as "Moonlighting", "The Golden Girls", "The Equalizer", and "MacGyver" started airing on television.
  • These people did not get to see movies such as "Rambo: First Blood Part II", "Cocoon", "Pale Rider", "Back to the Future", or "European Vacation".
  • The Nintendo Entertainment System did not exist yet.
  • Celebrities such as Robert Iler, Keira Knightley, Lily Allen, and Bar Refaeli were not even born yet.
  • In 1984, celebrities such as David Huffman, Rock Hudson, Ian Stewart, and Paul Castellano were still alive.
  • Television shows such as "The Dukes of Hazzard", "The Jeffersons", "Knight Rider", and "Trapper John, M.D." were still running.

Celebrity deaths in 1984

Statistics about the 4 celebrity deaths above.

  • 100% of the deaths in 1984 were male.
  • 25% of the people in this list were either murdered or assassinated.
  • 50% of them passed away due to cancer.