
Famous people who died in 2008

A list of 6 celebrities and other famous people who passed away in the year 2008.

Roughly 16 years have passed since these people died.

This list is ordered by the person's date of death.

Brad Renfro

Brad Renfro

Actor Deceased
Died on Jan 15, 2008, at the age of 25.
Heroin overdose.

Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger

Actor Deceased
Died on Jan 22, 2008, at the age of 28.
Drug overdose.

VL Mike

VL Mike

Rapper Deceased
Died on Apr 20, 2008, at the age of 32.
Shot several times while he was exiting his vehicle.

George Carlin

George Carlin

Stand-up comedian Deceased
Died on Jun 22, 2008, at the age of 71.
Heart failure.

Bernie Mac

Bernie Mac

Actor / Comedian Deceased
Died on Aug 9, 2008, at the age of 50.

John Costelloe

John Costelloe

Actor Deceased
Died on Dec 16, 2008, at the age of 47.
Self-inflicted gunshot wound.


A few facts that highlight just how long ago 2008 was:

  • Facebook was still relatively new.
  • These celebrities died before TV shows such as "RuPaul's Drag Race", "Glee", "16 and Pregnant", and "The Vampire Diaries" started airing on television.
  • These people did not get to see movies such as "The Hangover", "The Proposal", "Transformers 2", "Bruno", "Harry Potter 6", or "G-Force".
  • In 2008, celebrities such as Natasha Richardson, Jade Goody, Bea Arthur, and Farrah Fawcett were still alive.
  • Television shows such as "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", "Stargate Atlantis", "Battlestar Galactica", and "ER" were still running.
  • The people on this list died during a global economic meltdown.
  • The perpetrator of 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, was still on the run in 2008.

Celebrity deaths in 2008

Statistics about the 6 celebrity deaths above.

  • 100% of the deaths in 2008 were male.
  • 17% of the people in this list were either murdered or assassinated.
  • 17% of the celebrity deaths in 2008 were from suicide.
  • 33% of the deaths above were due to drug overdoses.