
Tom Holland and Zendaya

Relationship facts

They have been dating since July 2021. They have been together for 3 years and 8 months.

Tom Holland and Zendaya

When did Tom Holland and Zendaya start dating?

They started dating in July 2021. That was 3 years ago.


The pair met while they were working on the Spider-Man film series. So far, they have both starred in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019), and Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021). Their relationship became obvious after they were spotted kissing each other in a car in July of 2021.

Public knowledge

Their relationship became public knowledge on July 1, 2022.

How old were they when they got together?

Holland was 25 years old and Zendaya was 24.

Age gap

Tom Holland is 3 months older than Zendaya.

Height difference

Zendaya is roughly 3 inches taller than Holland. She is 5 feet 10 inches (1.77m) tall, whereas he is 5 feet 7 inches (1.69m).

Note that your perception of someone's height can be skewed by their hairstyle, footwear (heels), clothing, body fat, posture, etc.

How long have they been together?

They have been together for 3 years and 8 months in total.

Star signs

Holland is a Gemini and Zendaya is a Virgo.


Check out their individual profiles for more facts:

Tom Holland

Tom Holland

Born on June 1, 1996

He is now 28.



Born on September 1, 1996

She is now 28.