
Alfonso Ribeiro


Born on September 21, 1971.
53 years old.

Alfonso Ribeiro

Which generation does Alfonso Ribeiro belong to?

Alfonso Ribeiro belongs to the Generation X demographic cohort.

"So he isn't a boomer?!"

Alfonso Ribeiro is not a boomer. The boomer generation ended in 1964, whereas he was born 7 years later in 1971. This means that he is a part of Generation X.

What is he known for?

He portrayed Carlton Banks in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air".

Which star sign is Alfonso Ribeiro?

He is a Virgo.

Life Path Number

His Life Path Number is 3.

How tall is he?

Alfonso Ribeiro is about 5 ft 6 inches tall. That is 167 in cm or 1.67 in meters.

This means that he is slightly shorter than the average American male. However, he is still taller than the average woman.

See also: Celebrities who are 5 ft 6 inches.

Related: Famous actors who are short.

What age will he be in 2024?

He turned 53 in September of 2024.

When will Alfonso Ribeiro turn 60?

He will turn 60 years old on September 21, 2031. That's roughly 6 years and 9 months from now.

Celebrities that will be turning 60 in 2025.

When is Alfonso Ribeiro's next birthday?

His next birthday will be on September 21, 2025. On that date, he will turn 54.

What day of the week was he born on?

He was born on a Tuesday.

Other people who were born around September 21, 1971

Celebrities and other notable figures who are roughly the same age as Alfonso Ribeiro.

Crash Holly

Crash Holly

Wrestler Deceased
Born on August 25, 1971
Star Sign: Virgo

Chris Tucker

Chris Tucker

Born on August 31, 1971
Star Sign: Virgo

Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith

Born on September 18, 1971
Star Sign: Virgo

Kevin Richardson

Kevin Richardson

Backstreet Boys
Born on October 3, 1971
Star Sign: Libra

Andy Cole

Andy Cole

Soccer player
Born on October 15, 1971
Star Sign: Libra

Chris Kirkpatrick

Chris Kirkpatrick

Born on October 17, 1971
Star Sign: Libra

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg

Born on October 20, 1971
Star Sign: Libra

People who are taller than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than him.

Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland

Born on February 11, 1981
Height: 1.73m / 5 ft 8 inches

Bill Wyman

Bill Wyman

Born on October 24, 1936
Height: 1.68m / 5 ft 6 inches

Gia Carangi

Gia Carangi

Supermodel Deceased
Born on January 29, 1960
Height: 1.73m / 5 ft 8 inches

People who are shorter than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than him.

Aida Turturro

Aida Turturro

Born on September 25, 1962
Height: 1.65m / 5 ft 5 inches



South Korean singer
Born on January 3, 1995
Height: 1.62m / 5 ft 4 inches

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

US politician
Born on October 13, 1989
Height: 1.63m / 5 ft 4 inches

Personality summary

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