
Harry Houdini


Born on March 24, 1874.
Died at the age of 52 on October 31, 1926.
Cause of Death: Peritonitis and a ruptured appendix.

Harry Houdini

What was his real name?

His real name was Erik Weisz.

What was he known for?

He was a famous escape artist, stunt performer and illusionist.

What was he also known as?

His nickname / alias was: "Ehrich"

Which star sign was Harry Houdini?

He had the star sign Aries.

Life Path Number

His Life Path Number was 11.

How tall was he?

Harry Houdini was around 5 ft 6 inches tall. In centimeters, his height was 168 cm.

This means that he was slightly shorter than the average American male. However, he was still taller than the average woman.

See also: Celebrities who are 5 ft 6 inches.

How many years ago did he die?

He died 97 years, 10 months, and 6 days ago.

What day of the week was he born on?

He was born on a Tuesday.

What day of the week did he die on?

He died on a Sunday.

How long ago did Harry Houdini die?

He died in October 1926, which was over 97 years ago. Nine decades have passed since his death. That's nearly a full century.

To put that into perspective.

  • Since Harry Houdini's death in 1926, roughly twenty-four FIFA World Cups and twenty-five US presidential elections have taken place.
  • Since his death, the United States has had sixteen new presidents.
  • The United Kingdom has had twenty-three new prime ministers.

Other people who were born around March 24, 1874

Celebrities and other notable figures who were born around the same time as Harry Houdini.

Robert Frost

Robert Frost

Poet Deceased
Born on March 26, 1874
Star Sign: Aries

Other people who died around October 31, 1926

Celebrities and other notable figures who died around the same time as Harry Houdini.

Claude Monet

Claude Monet

Artist Deceased
Died on Dec 5, 1926, at the age of 86.
Star Sign: Scorpio

People who are the same height as Harry Houdini

Celebrities and other notable figures who are exactly the same height as him.

Jenna Fischer

Jenna Fischer

Born on March 7, 1974
Height: 1.68m / 5 ft 6 inches

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep

Born on June 22, 1949
Height: 1.68m / 5 ft 6 inches

People who are taller than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than him.

Charlbi Dean

Charlbi Dean

Actress Deceased
Born on February 5, 1990
Height: 1.71m / 5 ft 7 inches

Joseph R. Gannascoli

Joseph R. Gannascoli

Born on February 15, 1959
Height: 1.73m / 5 ft 8 inches

Keith Richards

Keith Richards

Born on December 18, 1943
Height: 1.74m / 5 ft 9 inches

People who are shorter than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than him.

Marnie Simpson

Marnie Simpson

English TV personality
Born on January 17, 1992
Height: 1.63m / 5 ft 4 inches

Anne Ramsey

Anne Ramsey

Actress Deceased
Born on March 27, 1929
Height: 1.63m / 5 ft 4 inches

Haley Joel Osment

Haley Joel Osment

Born on April 10, 1988
Height: 1.63m / 5 ft 4 inches

Personality summary

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