
James Buchanan

US President

Born on April 23, 1791.
Died at the age of 77 on June 1, 1868.
Cause of Death: Respiratory failure.

James Buchanan
He has been dead for 156 years.
People who died in 1868.

Which star sign was James Buchanan?

He had the star sign Taurus.

Life Path Number

His Life Path Number was 9.

How tall was he?

James Buchanan was around 6 foot tall. In centimeters, his height was 183 cm.

This means that he was noticeably taller than the average American male.

See also: Celebrities who are 6 foot.

How many years ago did he die?

He died 156 years, 3 months, and 10 days ago.

What day of the week was he born on?

He was born on a Saturday.

What day of the week did he die on?

He died on a Monday.

How long ago did James Buchanan die?

He died in June 1868, which was over 156 years ago. More than a century has passed since his death.

To put that into perspective.

  • Since his death, the United States has had twenty-nine new presidents.
  • The United Kingdom has had forty new prime ministers.

Other people who were born around April 23, 1791

Celebrities and other notable figures who were born around the same time as James Buchanan.

Samuel Morse

Samuel Morse

Scientist Deceased
Born on April 27, 1791
Star Sign: Taurus

People who are the same height as James Buchanan

Celebrities and other notable figures who are exactly the same height as him.

Alan Shearer

Alan Shearer

English soccer player
Born on August 13, 1970
Height: 1.83m / 6 foot

People who are taller than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than him.

Marc Nelson

Marc Nelson

Boyz II Men
Born on January 23, 1971
Height: 1.85m / 6 ft 1 inches

Sam Smith

Sam Smith

Born on May 19, 1992
Height: 1.88m / 6 ft 2 inches

John Obi Mikel

John Obi Mikel

Nigerian soccer player
Born on April 22, 1987
Height: 1.88m / 6 ft 2 inches

People who are shorter than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than him.

Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro

Born on August 17, 1943
Height: 1.77m / 5 ft 10 inches

Ronnie O'Sullivan

Ronnie O'Sullivan

English snooker player
Born on December 5, 1975
Height: 1.80m / 5 ft 11 inches

Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge

US President Deceased
Born on July 4, 1872
Height: 1.78m / 5 ft 10 inches

Personality summary

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