
Chris Watts


Born on May 16, 1985.
39 years old.

Chris Watts

Which generation does Chris Watts belong to?

Chris Watts belongs to the Millennial demographic cohort.

What is he known for?

He murdered his wife and two children in 2018. The case received widespread media attention, particularly after the release of the documentary "American Murder: The Family Next Door".

Which star sign is Chris Watts?

He is a Taurus.

Life Path Number

His Life Path Number is 9.

How tall is he?

Chris Watts is about 5 ft 10 inches tall. That is 179 in cm or 1.79 in meters.

Statistically speaking, this means that he is slightly taller than the average American male. However, he is not tall by conventional standards.

In other words, he doesn't stand out as being particularly tall.

See also: Celebrities who are 5 ft 10 inches.

What age will he be in 2024?

He turned 39 in May of 2024.

When will he turn 40?

He will turn 40 years old on May 16, 2025. That's only about 5 months from now.

Celebrities that will be turning 40 in 2025.

When is Chris Watts' next birthday?

His next birthday will be on May 16, 2025. On that date, he will turn 40.

What day of the week was he born on?

He was born on a Thursday.

How long has he been in prison?

Watts has been in custody since his arrest on August 15, 2018. That was 6 years ago. In November of 2018, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. This means that he will most likely die behind bars.

Other people who were born around May 16, 1985

Celebrities and other notable figures who are roughly the same age as Chris Watts.

Lily Allen

Lily Allen

Born on May 2, 1985
Star Sign: Taurus

Demba Ba

Demba Ba

Soccer player
Born on May 25, 1985
Star Sign: Gemini

Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns

Born on May 25, 1985
Star Sign: Gemini

Bar Refaeli

Bar Refaeli

Israeli model
Born on June 4, 1985
Star Sign: Gemini

Charlie Simpson

Charlie Simpson

Born on June 7, 1985
Star Sign: Gemini

Lela Star

Lela Star

Adult actress
Born on June 13, 1985
Star Sign: Gemini

Nadine Coyle

Nadine Coyle

Irish singer
Born on June 15, 1985
Star Sign: Gemini

People who are taller than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than him.

Jay Gardner

Jay Gardner

TV personality
Born on April 9, 1986
Height: 1.84m / 6 foot

Evel Knievel

Evel Knievel

Stunt performer Deceased
Born on October 17, 1938
Height: 1.83m / 6 foot

David Moyes

David Moyes

Soccer manager
Born on April 25, 1963
Height: 1.85m / 6 ft 1 inches

People who are shorter than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than him.

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch

Business magnate
Born on March 11, 1931
Height: 1.78m / 5 ft 10 inches

Annie Lennox

Annie Lennox

Born on December 25, 1954
Height: 1.75m / 5 ft 9 inches

Andrea Pirlo

Andrea Pirlo

Italian soccer player
Born on May 19, 1979
Height: 1.77m / 5 ft 10 inches

Personality summary

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