
Personality traits: February 3rd, 1949

Personality traits of people who were born on Thursday, February 3rd, 1949.

(+) Positive Traits

Positive personality traits and strengths for people born on February 3rd, 1949.

  • Honest
  • Free spirit
  • Communicative
  • Unique
  • Cheerful
  • Hardworking
  • Leadership abilities
  • Creative
  • Loyal
  • Optimistic
  • Inventive
  • Friendly
  • Charismatic
  • Good sense of humor
  • Progressive
  • Independent

(-) Negative Traits

Negative personality traits and weaknesses for people born on February 3rd, 1949.

  • Overcritical of themselves
  • Unemotional at times
  • Contrary
  • Can be uncompromising
  • Self-deceptive
  • Arrogant at times
  • Self-centered at times
  • Can be too critical of others
A full breakdown of the summary above can be found in the sections below.

February 3rd, 1949 fell on a Thursday

People who are born on a Thursday are the life of the party.

The word Thursday comes from the Old English phrase for "Thor's day".

In Norse mythology, the god Thor is associated with lightning, storms, strength and the protection of mankind.

Despite the references to lightning and storms, people who are born on this day are usually optimistic, friendly and cheerful.

More often than not, they have a good sense of humor and tend to be the life of the party.

However, sometimes that can deceive themselves into believing things that are not true.

Their star sign is Aquarius

The Aquarius is friendly, loyal and inventive.

The Aquarius is progressive, unique and independent.

People born under this star sign usually strive to be original. They are also inventive.

Unfortunately, they can also be contrary, unemotional and uncompromising.

Celebrities with the zodiac sign Aquarius

Celebrities and other notable figures that have the same star sign as you.

Sherman Hemsley

Sherman Hemsley

Actor Deceased
Born on February 1, 1938
Star Sign: Aquarius

Burt Reynolds

Burt Reynolds

Actor Deceased
Born on February 11, 1936
Star Sign: Aquarius

Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys

Born on January 25, 1981
Star Sign: Aquarius

Julia Fox

Julia Fox

Born on February 2, 1990
Star Sign: Aquarius

They were born on the 3rd

In Numerology, it is believed that a person's birth date can reveal unique insights into their personality.

People born on the 3rd are skilled at communicating their thoughts.

They are often upbeat and charismatic.

The Life Path Number for February 3rd, 1949 is 1

In Numerology, the Life Path Number reveals a person's greater purpose, as well their strengths and weaknesses.

People who have the number 1 as their Life Path Number love to lead.

They are hardworking and full of energy. As the number suggests, they have a strong desire to be #1 in life.

These people are highly critical of themselves and of others. Furthermore, they cannot stand other people's laziness.

This kind of person is driven, inventive, and creative. More importantly, they lead by example. However, they can also be arrogant and self-centered at times.

In many cases, they are also too hard on themselves.

Check out how this Life Path Number is calculated.

Celebrities with the Life Path Number 1

Celebrities and other notable figures that have the same Life Path Number as you.



Wrestler Deceased
Born on April 7, 1970
Star Sign: Aries

Noel Fielding

Noel Fielding

English comedian
Born on May 21, 1973
Star Sign: Gemini

David Blaine

David Blaine

Born on April 4, 1973
Star Sign: Aries

Zac Hanson

Zac Hanson

Born on October 22, 1985
Star Sign: Libra

Birthstone & Birth Month Flower

Details about this person's birthstone & birth month flower.


The birthstone is associated with words such as Royalty, Passion, and Hope.

Violet / Primrose

Birth Month Flower

Violet / Primrose

Associated words:
Modesty, Faithfulness.

More info about February 3rd, 1949

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February 3rd, 1949

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