
Famous people who died at 20

Celebrities and other famous people who died when they were 20 years old.

The list below is ordered by the person's date of death.

Dorothy Stratten

Dorothy Stratten

Model and actress Deceased
Died on Aug 14, 1980, at the age of 20.
Shot dead by her estranged husband in a murder-suicide.



Rapper Deceased
Died on Dec 16, 1993, at the age of 20.
Murdered during a mugging in Milpitas, California.

Sammi Kane Kraft

Sammi Kane Kraft

Baseball player & actress Deceased
Died on Oct 9, 2012, at the age of 20.
Car crash.

Adam Lanza

Adam Lanza

Mass shooter Deceased
Died on Dec 14, 2012, at the age of 20.
Self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Junior Malanda

Junior Malanda

Belgian soccer player Deceased
Died on Jan 10, 2015, at the age of 20.
Car crash.



Rapper Deceased
Died on Jun 18, 2018, at the age of 20.
Shot dead during a robbery.

Cameron Boyce

Cameron Boyce

Actor Deceased
Died on Jul 6, 2019, at the age of 20.
Epileptic seizure.

Pop Smoke

Pop Smoke

Rapper Deceased
Died on Feb 19, 2020, at the age of 20.
Shot dead during a home invasion.

Statistics about the 20-year-olds above

Statistics about the 8 celebrity deaths above:

  • Men make up the majority of celebrity deaths in this age group. 75% were male, whereas only 25% were female.
  • These deaths make up 1% of our database (8/662).
  • 50% of them were murdered or assassinated.
  • Suicide accounted for 13% of the deaths in this age group.
  • 25% of these celebrities died in accidents.

Other ages

Other ages that celebrities died at.