
Famous people who died at 41

Celebrities and other famous people who died when they were 41 years old.

The list below is ordered by the person's date of death.

Kirsty MacColl

Kirsty MacColl

Singer Deceased
Died on Dec 18, 2000, at the age of 41.
She was struck by a powerboat while vacationing in Cozumel, Mexico.

Big Boss Man

Big Boss Man

Wrestler Deceased
Died on Sep 22, 2004, at the age of 41.
Heart attack.

Nate Dogg

Nate Dogg

Singer and rapper Deceased
Died on Mar 15, 2011, at the age of 41.
Heart failure due to complications of multiple strokes.

Chester Bennington

Chester Bennington

Linkin Park singer Deceased
Died on Jul 20, 2017, at the age of 41.
Suicide by hanging.

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant

Basketball player Deceased
Died on Jan 26, 2020, at the age of 41.
Helicopter crash.

Brodie Lee

Brodie Lee

Wrestler Deceased
Died on Dec 26, 2020, at the age of 41.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Virgil Abloh

Virgil Abloh

Fashion designer Deceased
Died on Nov 28, 2021, at the age of 41.
Cardiac angiosarcoma.

Statistics about the 41-year-olds above

Statistics about the 7 celebrity deaths above:

  • Men make up the majority of celebrity deaths in this age group. 86% were male, whereas only 14% were female.
  • These deaths make up 1% of our database (7/662).
  • Suicide accounted for 14% of the deaths in this age group.
  • 29% of these celebrities died in accidents.
  • Out of the 7 people on this list, 14% passed away due to cancer.
  • 14% of them died from a heart attack.
  • 14% suffered a stroke.

Other ages

Other ages that celebrities died at.