Born on November 11, 1885.
Died at the age of 60 on December 21, 1945.
Cause of Death: Car crash.
George S. Patton was a part of the Lost Generation demographic cohort.
He had the star sign Scorpio.
His Life Path Number was 8.
George S. Patton was around 6 ft 2 inches tall. In centimeters, his height was 187 cm.
This means that he was noticeably taller than the average American male.
See also: Celebrities who are 6 ft 2 inches.
He died 79 years, 1 month, and 3 days ago.
He was born on a Wednesday.
He died on a Friday.
He died in December 1945, which was over 79 years ago. Seven decades have passed since his death. That's over half a century.
To put that into perspective.
Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than him.
Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than him.
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