
Ellie Goulding


Born on December 30, 1986.
37 years old.

Ellie Goulding

Which generation does Ellie Goulding belong to?

Ellie Goulding belongs to the Millennial demographic cohort.

What is she known for?

She has released hit songs such as "Anything Could Happen", "Lights", and "Burn".

Which star sign is Ellie Goulding?

She is a Capricorn.

Life Path Number

Her Life Path Number is 3.

How tall is she?

Ellie Goulding is about 5 ft 5 inches tall. That is 165 in cm or 1.65 in meters.

Statistically speaking, this means that she is slightly taller than the average American female. However, she is not tall by conventional standards. For example, she is still smaller than most men.

See also: Celebrities who are 5 ft 5 inches.

What age will she be in 2024?

She will turn 38 years old in December of 2024.

When will she turn 40?

She will turn 40 years old on December 30, 2026. That's roughly 2 years from now.

Celebrities that will be turning 40 in 2025.

What day of the week was she born on?

She was born on a Tuesday.

She is a smoker

Our records indicate that Ellie Goulding is a smoker. However, we cannot say for certain if she still does or not.
People can quit smoking and restart so many times that this kind of information is difficult to keep track of.

Other people who were born around December 30, 1986

Celebrities and other notable figures who are roughly the same age as Ellie Goulding.

Natasha O'Keeffe

Natasha O'Keeffe

Born on December 1, 1986
Star Sign: Sagittarius

Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate

Internet personality
Born on December 1, 1986
Star Sign: Sagittarius

Loic Remy

Loic Remy

Soccer player
Born on January 2, 1987
Star Sign: Capricorn

Naya Rivera

Naya Rivera

Actress Deceased
Born on January 12, 1987
Star Sign: Capricorn

Evan Peters

Evan Peters

Born on January 20, 1987
Star Sign: Aquarius

Luis Suarez

Luis Suarez

Soccer player
Born on January 24, 1987
Star Sign: Aquarius

People who are the same height as Ellie Goulding

Celebrities and other notable figures who are exactly the same height as her.

Michelle Rodriguez

Michelle Rodriguez

Born on July 12, 1978
Height: 1.65m / 5 ft 5 inches

Jacinda Ardern

Jacinda Ardern

New Zealand Prime Minister
Born on July 26, 1980
Height: 1.65m / 5 ft 5 inches

People who are taller than her

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than her.

Jenny McCarthy

Jenny McCarthy

Television host / Model
Born on November 1, 1972
Height: 1.70m / 5 ft 7 inches

Jet Li

Jet Li

Born on April 26, 1963
Height: 1.68m / 5 ft 6 inches

Melinda Gates

Melinda Gates

Born on August 15, 1964
Height: 1.68m / 5 ft 6 inches

People who are shorter than her

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than her.

Tara Correa-McMullen

Tara Correa-McMullen

Actress Deceased
Born on May 24, 1989
Height: 1.63m / 5 ft 4 inches

Chloe Ferry

Chloe Ferry

TV personality
Born on August 31, 1995
Height: 1.62m / 5 ft 4 inches

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Composer Deceased
Born on January 27, 1756
Height: 1.63m / 5 ft 4 inches

Personality summary

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