
Big Hawk


Born on November 15, 1969.
Died at the age of 36 on May 1, 2006.
Cause of Death: Murdered by an unknown shooter.

Big Hawk
He has been dead for 18 years.
If he were still alive today, he would be 54 years old.

People who died in 2006.
Famous people who were murdered.
Rappers who died young.

Which generation did Big Hawk belong to?

Big Hawk was a part of the Generation X demographic cohort.

"So he wasn't a boomer?!"

Big Hawk was not a boomer. The boomer generation ended in 1964, whereas he was born 5 years later in 1969.

What was his real name?

His real name was John Edward Hawkins.

What was he also known as?

His nickname / alias was: H.A.W.K.

Which star sign was Big Hawk?

He had the star sign Scorpio.

Life Path Number

His Life Path Number was 6.

How old would Big Hawk be now?

If he were still alive today, he would be 54 years old.

That means that he'd be roughly the same age as the following people:

Wyclef Jean

Wyclef Jean

Born on October 17, 1969
Star Sign: Libra

Nancy Sullivan

Nancy Sullivan

Born on October 17, 1969
Star Sign: Libra

Puff Daddy

Puff Daddy

Born on November 4, 1969
Star Sign: Scorpio

How many years ago did he die?

He died 18 years, 5 months, and 13 days ago.

What day of the week was he born on?

He was born on a Saturday.

What day of the week did he die on?

He died on a Monday.

How long ago did Big Hawk die?

He died in May 2006, which was over 18 years ago. More than a decade has passed since his death.

To put that into perspective.

  • A child who was born on the same day that he died would nearly be finished high school by now.
  • Since Big Hawk's death in 2006, roughly four FIFA World Cups and five US presidential elections have taken place.
  • Since his death, the United States has had three new presidents.
  • The United Kingdom has had seven new prime ministers.
  • Because he died in 2006, it means that he probably never heard of famous names such as Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian, Jonah Hill, and Tom Hardy.

Other people who died around May 1, 2006

Celebrities and other notable figures who died around the same time as Big Hawk.

Chris Penn

Chris Penn

Actor Deceased
Died on Jan 24, 2006, at the age of 40.
Star Sign: Libra

J Dilla

J Dilla

Rapper Deceased
Died on Feb 10, 2006, at the age of 32.
Star Sign: Aquarius

Slobodan Milošević

Slobodan Milošević

Yugoslav and Serbian politician Deceased
Died on Mar 11, 2006, at the age of 64.
Star Sign: Leo



Rapper Deceased
Died on Apr 11, 2006, at the age of 32.
Star Sign: Libra

Charles Haughey

Charles Haughey

Irish prime minister Deceased
Died on Jun 13, 2006, at the age of 80.
Star Sign: Virgo

Personality summary

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