
George Michael


Born on June 25, 1963.
Died at the age of 53 on December 25, 2016.
Cause of Death: Dilated cardiomyopathy, myocarditis and fatty liver.

George Michael
He has been dead for 7 years.
If he were still alive today, he would be 61 years old.

People who died in 2016.

Which generation did George Michael belong to?

George Michael was a part of the Baby Boomer demographic cohort.

What was he known for?

He was an English singer who is widely considered to be a pop icon.

Which star sign was George Michael?

He had the star sign Cancer.

Life Path Number

His Life Path Number was 5.

How tall was he?

George Michael was around 6 foot tall. In centimeters, his height was 183 cm.

This means that he was noticeably taller than the average American male.

See also: Celebrities who are 6 foot.

How old would George Michael be now?

If he were still alive today, he would be 61 years old.

How many years ago did he die?

He died 7 years, 11 months, and 11 days ago.

What day of the week was he born on?

He was born on a Tuesday.

What day of the week did he die on?

He died on a Sunday.

How long ago did George Michael die?

He died in December 2016, which was over 7 years ago.

To put that into perspective.

  • A baby that was born on the same day that he died would have finished kindergarten and started elementary school by now.
  • Since his death, the United States has had two new presidents.
  • The United Kingdom has had four new prime ministers.
  • Because he died in 2016, it means that he probably never heard of famous names such as Cardi B and Dua Lipa.

Was he a smoker?

Yes. Our records indicate that George Michael was a smoker. However, we cannot say for certain whether or not he continued to smoke up until his death.

Other people who were born around June 25, 1963

Celebrities and other notable figures who were born around the same time as George Michael.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

Born on June 9, 1963
Star Sign: Gemini

Helen Hunt

Helen Hunt

Born on June 15, 1963
Star Sign: Gemini

Dorien Wilson

Dorien Wilson

Born on July 5, 1963
Star Sign: Cancer

Edie Falco

Edie Falco

Born on July 5, 1963
Star Sign: Cancer

John Ventimiglia

John Ventimiglia

Born on July 17, 1963
Star Sign: Cancer

Karl Malone

Karl Malone

NBA player
Born on July 24, 1963
Star Sign: Leo

Other people who died around December 25, 2016

Celebrities and other notable figures who died around the same time as George Michael.

Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro

Cuban President Deceased
Died on Nov 25, 2016, at the age of 90.
Star Sign: Leo

Big Syke

Big Syke

Rapper Deceased
Died on Dec 5, 2016, at the age of 48.
Star Sign: Sagittarius

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher

Actress Deceased
Died on Dec 27, 2016, at the age of 60.
Star Sign: Libra

John Hurt

John Hurt

Actor Deceased
Died on Jan 25, 2017, at the age of 77.
Star Sign: Aquarius



Rapper Deceased
Died on Feb 13, 2017, at the age of 34.
Star Sign: Scorpio

Bill Paxton

Bill Paxton

Actor Deceased
Died on Feb 25, 2017, at the age of 61.
Star Sign: Taurus

Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry

Guitarist Deceased
Died on Mar 18, 2017, at the age of 90.
Star Sign: Libra



Wrestler Deceased
Died on Apr 17, 2017, at the age of 47.
Star Sign: Aries

Aaron Hernandez

Aaron Hernandez

NFL player / convicted murderer Deceased
Died on Apr 19, 2017, at the age of 27.
Star Sign: Scorpio

People who are taller than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than him.

Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder

Born on May 13, 1950
Height: 1.84m / 6 foot

Jim Parsons

Jim Parsons

Born on March 24, 1973
Height: 1.86m / 6 ft 1 inches



Internet personality
Born on September 12, 1994
Height: 1.88m / 6 ft 2 inches

People who are shorter than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than him.

Sugar Ray Leonard

Sugar Ray Leonard

Born on May 17, 1956
Height: 1.78m / 5 ft 10 inches

John Denver

John Denver

American singer Deceased
Born on December 31, 1943
Height: 1.78m / 5 ft 10 inches

Bob Hope

Bob Hope

Comedian Deceased
Born on May 29, 1903
Height: 1.78m / 5 ft 10 inches

Personality summary

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