Gwyneth Paltrow belongs to the Generation X demographic cohort.
Gwyneth Paltrow is not a boomer. The boomer generation ended in 1964, whereas she was born 8 years later in 1972. This means that she is a part of Generation X.
She is a Libra.
Her Life Path Number is 1.
Gwyneth Paltrow is about 5 ft 9 inches tall. That is 175 in cm or 1.75 in meters.
This means that she is noticeably taller than the average American female.
See also: Celebrities who are 5 ft 9 inches.
Related: Famous actresses who are tall.
She turned 52 in September of 2024.
She will turn 60 years old on September 27, 2032. That's roughly 7 years and 9 months from now.
Her next birthday will be on September 27, 2025. On that date, she will turn 53.
She was born on a Wednesday.
Our records indicate that Gwyneth Paltrow is a smoker. However, we cannot say for certain if she still does or not.
People can quit smoking and restart so many times that this kind of information is difficult to keep track of.
Celebrities and other notable figures who are roughly the same age as Gwyneth Paltrow.
Celebrities and other notable figures who are exactly the same height as her.
Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than her.
Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than her.
Check out our in-depth personality summary for this person.
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