
Famous people who died in 1994

A list of 12 celebrities and other famous people who passed away in the year 1994.

Roughly 30 years have passed since these people died.

This list is ordered by the person's date of death.

Telly Savalas

Telly Savalas

Actor Deceased
Died on Jan 22, 1994, at the age of 72.
Complications of prostate and bladder cancer.

Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks

Stand-up comedian Deceased
Died on Feb 26, 1994, at the age of 32.
Pancreatic cancer.

John Candy

John Candy

Actor Deceased
Died on Mar 4, 1994, at the age of 43.
Heart attack.

Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain

Singer Deceased
Died on Apr 5, 1994, at the age of 27.
Suicide by gunshot.

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon

US President Deceased
Died on Apr 22, 1994, at the age of 81.

Ayrton Senna

Ayrton Senna

Race driver Deceased
Died on May 1, 1994, at the age of 34.
Racing car accident.

John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy

Serial killer Deceased
Died on May 10, 1994, at the age of 52.
Executed by lethal injection.

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

First Lady of the United States Deceased
Died on May 19, 1994, at the age of 64.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Nicole Brown Simpson

Nicole Brown Simpson

Ex-wife of O. J. Simpson Deceased
Died on Jun 12, 1994, at the age of 35.
Stabbed to death.

Andrés Escobar

Andrés Escobar

Colombian soccer player Deceased
Died on Jul 2, 1994, at the age of 27.
Murdered by cartel members as punishment for scoring an own goal in the 1994 World Cup.

Raul Julia

Raul Julia

Actor Deceased
Died on Oct 24, 1994, at the age of 54.
Complications from a stroke.

Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer

Serial killer Deceased
Died on Nov 28, 1994, at the age of 34.
Beaten to death in prison.


A few facts that highlight just how long ago 1994 was:

  • These celebrities died before TV shows such as "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys", "Star Trek: Voyager", "Father Ted", and "Xena: Warrior Princess" started airing on television.
  • These people did not get to see movies such as "Casper", "Congo", "Batman Forever", "Pocahontas", "Apollo 13", or "Waterworld".
  • Text messaging wasn't a big thing yet.
  • Celebrities such as Jisoo, Natalia Dyer, Keenan Cahill, and Logan Paul were not even born yet.
  • In 1994, celebrities such as Richey Edwards, Eazy E, Jerry Garcia, and Yitzhak Rabin were still alive.
  • Television shows such as "In the Heat of the Night", "Full House", "Murder, She Wrote", and "Matlock" were still running.
  • The PlayStation did not exist outside of Japan.

Celebrity deaths in 1994

Statistics about the 12 celebrity deaths above.

  • Men made up the majority of celebrity deaths in 1994. 83% were male, whereas only 16% were female.
  • 25% of the people in this list were either murdered or assassinated.
  • 8% of the celebrity deaths in 1994 were from suicide.
  • 8% of these celebrities died in accidents.
  • 25% of them passed away due to cancer.
  • 8% of them died from a heart attack.
  • 17% suffered a stroke.